Trifle is a perfect dessert, which is easy to make and loved by all. It is the thing to have on a bright sunny day or on a rainy afternoon. Or make it for your husband and have it together, when the children are fast asleep. Over the years i have read and eaten many versions of it. Today's recipe, is the easiest and never fails.
You can use cake trimmings or make a sponge cake beforehand or even use ready made, preferably plain cake. Take a broad dish and line it with pieces of cake at the bottom. Now you can pour concentrated orange squash or strawberry crush or plain sugar syrup over the cake. Make sure that the cake is nice and moist. Now put an array of fruits available fresh, like bananas, cherries, mango, melon, pineapple or just open a can of cocktail fruits.
Make thick plain custard, cool it and pour it over the fruits. Make sure its a thick layer. Now let the pudding settle and cool in the refrigerator. Before serving beat cream and pour it over the dish and decorate it with nuts or juts sieve drinking chocolate over it.
Other modifications, include starting with a layer of jelley at the bottom and adding broken macroons with the fruit. You can also repeat the whole process and make two layers. To spice up things add a dash of brandy or sherry to the syrup. To get the best visual effect, set in a transparent dish for all to see and admire. Enjoy !
You can use cake trimmings or make a sponge cake beforehand or even use ready made, preferably plain cake. Take a broad dish and line it with pieces of cake at the bottom. Now you can pour concentrated orange squash or strawberry crush or plain sugar syrup over the cake. Make sure that the cake is nice and moist. Now put an array of fruits available fresh, like bananas, cherries, mango, melon, pineapple or just open a can of cocktail fruits.
Make thick plain custard, cool it and pour it over the fruits. Make sure its a thick layer. Now let the pudding settle and cool in the refrigerator. Before serving beat cream and pour it over the dish and decorate it with nuts or juts sieve drinking chocolate over it.
Other modifications, include starting with a layer of jelley at the bottom and adding broken macroons with the fruit. You can also repeat the whole process and make two layers. To spice up things add a dash of brandy or sherry to the syrup. To get the best visual effect, set in a transparent dish for all to see and admire. Enjoy !
Thanks for sharing such a nice recipe - so quick and easy ! Love the idea of macaroons and love your style too. Keep blogging !!